Marcasite is a common crystal used in jewelry making. It is a metallic looking stone that often has a lot of curved faces. Its pale brass-yellow color and structure can vary based upon where the crystal is found.
Marcasite can be mined in a lot of different places around the world, including throughout the United States.

Marcasite crystals
Since marcasite is fragile, it should be mined using gloves. If anyone uses a shovel to try and unearth it, it’s likely to break.
The stone will be commonly found throughout sedimentary and coal beds. A soft bag should be used to collect the crystals.
Marcasite Along the East Coast
There are a variety of places in the Northeast to look for marcasite, including the Callahan Mine in Maine as well as Poker Hill in Rhode Island.
There are over 17 locations within this area that provide some great places to look for the stone. Such locations include:
– Nova Scotia
– Quebec
– New Brunswick
– New York
– New Hampshire
Traveling south, there are also locations in Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. Some of the mines there are open to the public while others are not.
In many cases, it will be possible to go in and view what has already been mined. This is the easiest to have your choice of shapes and colors.
Another place where you can find marcasite on the East Coast is in Florida. Clear Spring Mine in Polk County has been mining marcasite for many years.
Marcasite Along the West Coast
You will be able to find the majority of marcasite on the West Coast along the Northwest.
Starting in Vancouver and traveling down throughout the Washington area, there are several mines set up within the North Cascades National Park.
Nevada, Oregon and Northern California also have locations where marcasite can be found.
Over 10 different mines in Northern California can provide you with all that you could ever want. Such mines include:
– Redington Mine
– Mount Diablo Mine
– McLaughlin Mine
– Red Elephant Mine
What to Look for in Marcasite
Most of the marcasite you find will have colors ranging from strong yellows to dark greens.
It is also possible to find some stones that are creamy white and even ones with a rosy brown tint to them.
When you are looking for marcasite stones, you will want to find the ones that have the brightest colors.
The shape of the marcasite is also very important. Some crystals will take on the appearance of stalactites and stalagmites while others will simply appear geometrical.
It’s important to consider what the stones will be used for when choosing the shapes.
Marcasite can also be found all across the globe. While it is common throughout the United States, it is also found in other countries, particularly in mountainous areas.
This includes such locations as Australia, Africa, Western Europe and even parts of South America.