It looks stunning when all pearls in your necklace shine, and everything’s fine until one of them happens to get chipped. At that moment, you would most likely be wondering how you can get your pearl fixed. And perhaps it would be even better if you knew how to prevent this from happening in the first place.
Pearls Are Soft: Handle with Care
Pearls are one of the softest materials used in jewelry. Almost all gems are harder than them. For this reason, you should keep in mind that whatever other jewelry material your pearls come in close contact with, they are likely to get scratched.

The pearls on your ring can be easily damaged by a strong bump.
Be careful when wearing your pearls because a strong bump can easily damage them.
Make sure not to drop any of your pearls on hard surfaces.
When you take off your pearl jewelry, place it carefully on something soft.
Safety Rules When Wearing Your Pearls
You should also be careful not to damage your pearls when wearing them.
Only use perfume or hair spray before putting your pearls on, as otherwise these substances may dissolve them.
Household cleaning products can also harm your pearls, so take off your pearl jewelry when doing any housework.
Don’t cook when wearing pearls because some ingredients, especially those with acidic content like lemon juice or vinegar, can damage your pearl jewelry; baking soda can also be harmful.
Avoid exposing your pearls to heat.
Caring for Pearls and Storing Them Safely
Clean your pearls with a soft cloth each time after you wear them (don’t use toothbrushes or rough materials). You can use a little water, but avoid soap as some brands contain substances that may not be pearl-friendly.
Don’t use ultrasonic cleaners, as they can be damaging to pearls.
Don’t store your pearl jewelry in tightly sealed bags or boxes because dry air will dry your pearls out, and they will become brittle and yellow.
Don’t put your pearls together with other gems as they may scratch your pearl jewelry.
Don’t hang your pearl necklace, as its string can get stretched. Put your pearls in jewelry bags made of soft cloth (e.g., silk).
Have your pearl necklace restrung at least once every two years, or even once a year if you wear it often. Restringing eliminates accumulated dirt that may otherwise harm your pearls over time.
Be Careful When Buying Pearls
When shopping for pearls, take a good look at them to make sure you are not buying damaged goods.
If you are looking at a necklace, inspect the pearls’ drill holes for cracks. Ensure that none of the pearls are chipped or scratched.
Can You Repair a Damaged Pearl?
Once the integrity of a pearl’s surface or internal structure has been compromised, there is no way to repair the damage. If your pearl is chipped, the only solution is to buy a new one.
Pearls are very vulnerable, and you should take extra care to protect them from damage.