If you’ve heard the term “laser inscription” referring to diamonds, but you are not sure what this means, this article is for you. Being laser inscribed is perhaps more important for your diamonds than you think. These engravings in your stone can help you not only when deciding whether to buy it, but also protect you from fraud or negligence in other situations.
What Is a Diamond Laser Inscription?
A diamond laser inscription is a combination of letters and numbers etched in a diamond, most often on the stone’s girdle. These symbols serve as a unique ID that helps to identify a particular stone if needed.

Inscriptions help you to recognize your diamond among other stones.
Diamonds are usually laser inscribed by the grading lab at which they are certified.
For example, these GIA-certified diamonds are laser inscribed, and the inscription numbers can be seen in their certificates.
Why Are Diamond Inscriptions Important?
The symbols inscribed on a diamond are the same as the ones on its certification report, thus verifying that the stone is the one described in the certificate.
You should always ask at the store whether the diamond you are considering is inscribed and match its inscription to the number in its certificate.
Diamond inscriptions are very helpful when it comes to protecting yourself from fraud.
Whenever you take your diamond to a jeweler to get it fixed, don’t forget to tell him or her about the inscription so that the person doing the repairs will be careful not to damage it by accident.
When you get the stone back, you can also check the inscription to make sure you have the same diamond.
Even with no intent to deceive you, the jeweler might just make a mistake and give you someone else’s stone.
What If My Diamond Is Not Laser Inscribed?
Not all diamonds are laser inscribed.
Some gemstone manufacturers choose not to pay for this service, which is provided by the diamond certifying authority.
In such cases, the stone can also be identified by its inclusions, whose number and location in the stone are unique to each diamond.
Diamond certificates contain inclusion plots or diagrams, i.e. maps that show each flaw inside or on the stone.
You can always compare your diamond with the plot in the certificate report and try to locate the stone’s mapped inclusions.
Can I Have My Diamond Laser Inscribed?
If your diamond doesn’t have a laser inscription, you can always have your stone inscribed. Even if it has an inscription, you might want to put a name or phrase on it.
Such diamond engraving services are offered by the G.I.A. and other laboratories for a fee. The inscription can contain whatever you choose (as long as it is doable).
Where to Buy Diamond Jewelry?
We recommend James Allen (read review) because you can see a 360-degree video for any diamond before buying it.
Blue Nile is another reputable diamond retailer we recommend.