One of the frequently cited downsides of titanium rings is that they cannot be resized. You may think that as long as you measure your finger accurately, your ring will always fit, but in reality, the size of your finger can change with time. So what can you do if your titanium ring needs resizing?
Resizing a Titanium Ring: Is It Impossible?
It is true that titanium rings are harder to resize compared with ones made of other metals such as gold or silver. Titanium is a very strong metal, and its hardness makes it hard to work with, but sometimes resizing may be doable.

Some jewelers will tell you that they can only resize a titanium ring up but cannot decrease its size.
Some jewelers will say that they cannot resize a titanium ring.
Others will say that resizing is possible but the change in size would be limited.
There are jewelers who say that they can only increase a titanium ring in size but not decrease it; others claim to also be able to size your ring down.
The bottom line is this: Whether a jeweler will be able to resize your titanium ring depends on the technology he or she prefers to use.
If you look hard enough, you may find someone who will be able to help you. However, resizing titanium rings comes at a price.
Increasing the Size of Your Titanium Ring
In general, jewelers will tell you that resizing a titanium ring by cutting it and adding metal is not possible because titanium cannot be soldered.
However, many jewelers claim that they can size a titanium ring up by using two alternative methods:
Some jewelers claim to be able to stretch a titanium ring, but they warn that the gain in size will be very little because the metal is very hard.
Other professionals say that they cannot stretch your ring, but they offer to size it up by removing metal from the inside. However, if the ring is too thin, the potential increase in size will be very limited.
Most jewelers using this method say that they can achieve an increase of one-half to two sizes.
Related: Click here to see a selection of titanium rings.
Decreasing a Titanium Ring in Size
Some jewelers will tell you that they can only resize a titanium ring up but that they cannot decrease its size.
There are others who do resize such rings down, but they caution that whether they will be able to do so depends on the ring’s structure.
Reducing a titanium ring’s size is usually done by adding material on the inside so that the ring fits more snugly on your finger.
However, keep in mind that the bigger the reduction needed, the thicker the ring will end up being. And, needless to say, the more you need to reduce, the higher the price will be.
A Complication: Resizing a Titanium Ring with Stones
If your ring has stones, it will be harder to change its size because the gemstone setting complicates the process. Depending on how the ring is made, resizing may be impossible.
Many jewelers don’t resize titanium rings with gemstones, but there are others who can help you depending on how the ring is built.
If your ring has stones, ask several different jewelers for opinion to find out if resizing is doable at all.
Related: See this collection of fine rings with gemstones and diamonds.
What to Do Before You Buy a Titanium Ring
It is always important to measure your finger size as accurately as possible before buying a ring, but with titanium rings, this is even more important.
So take your time and make sure that you measure your finger properly, or have it measured by a professional because this is not as simple as it seems.
You cannot predict how your finger will change down the line, but you can at least make your best effort to select the right ring size now.